1. Parenting......
Becoming a Mommy was the best, most rewarding, and stressful job I got.. No one prepares you for it. Lily Jane is now 3 months old and each day I am learning to be a better mom. I had the hardest time comparing myself to all the other moms out there and that was the hardest thing I ever did. I needed to STOP and just be myself and do what I could and not compare myself to any other moms. I found out quick that there was a lot of things we don't see about other peoples lives. It is nice to get advice from other mommies and take what works for us and our lives. I want all the new mommies, mommies or future mommies out there to know it is ok to struggle, be down, and not think that you are doing things right because no one is going to judge you. JUST DO THE BEST THAT YOU CAN AND JUST LOVE YOUR CHILD!!!!! God will help you through it, LET HIM HELP :)
2. Trying to get ready for Summer but all I can think about is this........
After having a baby it has been hard to get the extra weight off. Trying to find time to work out and just can't seem to find time. Mommies how do you find time for your self and work out????
I am so happy that Andi stood up for herself..I am glad that she spoke out and did not keep the relationship going when she did not feel like it was there. I was about to die when he said "it's ok...." That drove me crazy.. I heard ANDI is the next Bachelorette .. What are your thoughts?
4. So glad Grey's is back on. Also Glad Suits is about to start back..... What are your favorite shows???
I love Grey's, Suits, Duck Dynasty, Heart of Dixie, Housewives, and House Hunter
5. Everyone needs this.... How cool is this
Voice-activiated grocery list... Say what you need while it's on your mind and a week later when you go to the store it will print the list off for you :) So when you are in the kitchen going through things you can talk to this and that way you can remember what to wear.