1. Today was the last day of school!!! It was very emotional as I loved my first grade class this year and I will miss them so much but looking forward to this summer...
2. This week I went in for another ultrasound. I love seeing the miracle that it growing inside of me.I am almost 12 weeks. Baby Williams was waving and moving all around. That took my breath away, what a sweet moment that was :)
3. This week I have been so exhausted that all I want to do is come home and sleep. There has been nothing on TV durning the day. I was so excited though to be able to watch the World Cheerleading Competition it brought back so many memories. I cheered for a long time and sometimes when I watch the cheerleading competitions i get teary eyed :( I am so glad that USA won 1st place :)
4. One of my best friends that lives in Boston graduated and passed all her exams and is now a PA in Boston.. I am so proud of her!!!
5. Last but not least.. Today is the most amazing person in my worlds birthday my mom!!!Happy Birthday MOM!!!!!